
Rage Of Samedi is a german DoomSludgeMetal band that was found in September 2012. First planned as a side project, the founding members realized really fast that they want to do more of it. Songwriting and recording processes went very well and fast and from the beginning on they got cool shows with some well named bands (see PAST SHOWS). So it is ‚til present day! (see UPCOMING SHOWS).
Since the beginning they released their debut album ‚SIGN‘ DIY on CD and after the CD release via ‚VINYLACETON‘ and ‚VOODOO CHAMBER RECORDS‘ on vinyl. The same labels brought out their EP ‚ A Psychopath Job Is Done…!‘ The 2nd full length album ‚Children Of The Black Sun‘ came out on ‚VOODOO CHAMBER RECORDS‘.
After touring and playing some well named festivals they signed with ‚ARGONAUTA RECORDS‘ in 2018 who have released their 3rd full length album ‚Blood Ritual‘ on January, 17th 2020.


Lou Cifer: Vocals
Ian O’Field: Drums
Nicolas ‚Scrios‘ Perrault: Bass & backing vocals
Thor Steen: Guitar
Sam D. Durango: Guitar & backing vocals

Former members:
Paul ‚Hate‘ McKay: Bass
Dixie ‚Böhme‘ King: Guitar




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