Blast at the Malta Doom Metal / Feuerfänger 2017 / Freak Valley Festival 2018

Malta Doom Metal Festival

We’ve been very pleased for the opportunity we had to play at the Malta Doom Metal Festival. We met a lot of good friends well as we made some new friends. We had a lot of fun while being on stage and sharing the stage with other great acts.

We want to thank Albert, Glen and the whole MDM-Crew for their effort! Also we want to thank the people who were in the crowd!

Some Pics available at (THX Andreas and Karin!):!live_20171028_0301_rageofsamedi

Feuerfänger 2017:

The next show we’re looking forward to rock is the Feuerfänger on December, 2nd.
We’re going to share the stage with:

  • Cherokee
  • InfiNight
  • Berserk Inc.
  • Systopia
  • Maloik

Freak Valley Festival 2018

Last we have to make a big announcement! We’re going to play at the Freak Valley Festival 2018! That’s a big honour and a big pleasure to have this in our plans for 2017!
The Freak Valley Festival will take place from May, 30th – June, 2nd 2018 in Netphen!


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